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9 Ways to be a Better Student | Part 3

A photo of a group of nursing students working together, 上面写着“成为一名更好的学生并在护理领域取得领先的9种方法”,字体友好而诱人. Part 3.

Why be a better student?

If you had a ticket to a lifetime of a rewarding, interesting, and challenging career, what would you do with it? Well, guess what! You are the creator of your own ticket! Right now, you are deciding what to do with it. Time management can help. 无论你是一个热爱学校,在课堂上表现出色的人, or you are someone who finds school less than appealing, 重要的是,你要小心对待你的教育“票”, respect, and carefulness. 如果得到适当的关注,它可能会为你的余生奠定基础.

虽然,你不需要ladbrokes立博中文版来说服你学校有多重要. You already know it and that is why you are here. 对许多人来说,学校可能是一种令人沮丧和失控的经历. ladbrokes立博中文版听到学生说,“我只是在学校不好”或“我只是不明白这个。.“不要落入这样的陷阱,认为你的潜力是有限的. If you are feeling frustrated with school, 这可能是因为你没有学到为成功做好准备的方法和学习技巧.

These skills are so important, 无论你是否在学校,因为他们中的许多人将在你的学校以外的生活中发挥作用. Most importantly, these skills can be taught generationally. If you can master being a student, 你也可以教导你的家人和孩子如何成为好学生.

Are you on board yet? Here’s a summary of what we’ve discussed so far:

Reasons to Prioritize Becoming a Better Student

  1. Earn a career I find fulfilling
  2. Reduce stress associated with being in school
  3. Learn skills I will use my whole life
  4. 学习一些我可以教给我的家人和孩子的技能,这样他们就不会感到学校的压力太大.

*Shameless Plug Alert! 从密集的段落中总结信息是一个很好的方法来记住信息,使你更容易回顾笔记! 如果你忘记了这两段描述了什么,不需要再读一遍,读一下摘要就可以了!

Becoming a Better Student

了解如何在课堂环境中破解学习的密码, ladbrokes立博中文版需要培养一些广泛的技能和一些更具体的技能. We will begin by understanding the broad stroke skills. These are categories of important skills like

perspective, time management, and organization. However, it is important that we dive into specific skills, 所以你知道如何改变你的学生经历. 这些都是主动学习的技巧,比如记笔记、上课习惯和阅读技巧. Following this, let’s focus on a key aspect: time management.

Today we are discussing topic #3 Time Management.

  1. Perspective
    a. Find purpose
    b. Activate curiosity, on purpose
    c. Own your education
  2. Organization
    a. Get the tools that you need: supplies, books, etc.
    b. Keep track of your assignments
    c. Managing self-care
  3. Time-management
    a. Prioritize your priorities
    b. Create a schedule
    c. Be adaptive

*Shameless Plug Alert! 在阅读材料之前先读一个大纲可以帮助你的大脑为吸收材料做准备. In other words, if your brain knows what to expect before digesting content, it’ll understand it sooner and better. If you are not provided with outlines, no worries! 在完全阅读教科书的章节或段落之前,先略读一下也能达到同样的效果.


Time Management 

If you can use your time right, you can do anything. 我的意思是,想想看:ladbrokes立博中文版每天浪费了多少时间在效率低下的事情上, becoming distracted, or not having a plan? You are a powerful, intelligent force to be reckoned with! 你只是需要一些帮助,利用你的时间让所有的资产发光. I know it can feel like time is a losing game. We hear it all the time, “I just can’t do that. 我总是迟到,这就是我的一部分”或者“我在压力下工作得更好”.“如果你在压力下工作得更好,那就去当护士吧,不要拖延. 时间管理是一套技能,ladbrokes立博中文版必须练习和发展成为擅长. And good news, you’re in the right place to get started.   

Time Management: Prioritize Your Priorities 

明智地管理时间的第一步是确定什么需要时间以及它的重要性,也就是优先级! Let’s try a simple activity to get started: 


一旦你完成了这个表格,你应该对你的优先事项有一个很好的想法. 这个练习的目的是确定你的优先级,以及你目前如何与它们匹配.  既然ladbrokes立博中文版已经讨论了优先级,让ladbrokes立博中文版继续创建一个时间表. 

Time Management: Create a Schedule 

Alright, 所以现在你已经明确了你的优先事项,知道你的时间需要花在哪里, let’s dive into the magic of scheduling. 说真的,把这些都写下来就像拥有了超能力. Your schedule is your battle plan, and you’re the general. Being your own manager might sound cool, but it comes with responsibilities, and a schedule is your best weapon. It’s not just about telling yourself what to do; it’s about making sure it actually happens. 把它想象成为游戏设定规则——没有规则你就玩不下去,对吧? 把这些指示留给自己,也就是时间表,就像给你的大脑一个休息. No need to constantly figure out what’s next; you just follow the plan. It’s like autopilot for your day.

所以,把时间表写在纸上,让时间管理的魔力开始吧! More on how to get and use a planner here. 有一个计划很重要,但另一个关键点是保持适应性. Let’s dive into that next. 

Time Management: Be Adaptive 

Now, 下面是关于适应性在时间管理领域同样重要的独家新闻, even when you’ve got that killer schedule in place. Look, life doesn’t always follow the script. Unexpected stuff happens – surprise tests, spontaneous plans, or tech malfunctions that throw your whole schedule into chaos. That’s where being adaptable comes in. Your schedule is your game plan, but it’s not carved in stone. 灵活的意思是,你可以随遇而安,随时调整. It’s like having a Plan B (and maybe even a Plan C) ready to go. If something doesn’t go as planned, no need to panic. 适应能力意味着你可以在不失去冷静的情况下处理问题.

So, while planning is like the backbone of time management, 适应力强是保持一切顺利进行的秘诀, even when life tries to mess with your agenda. 这是一种保持掌控的艺术,不管这一天发生了什么. Time to embrace the unexpected! 

Time Management: Summary

总而言之,有效的时间管理是一种让ladbrokes立博中文版充分利用每一天的技能. As shown above, we have practical steps, 比如通过简单的练习来确定优先级,并创建时间表作为ladbrokes立博中文版的路线图. 毕竟,这些工具可以像游戏计划一样发挥作用,提供结构和清晰度. Yet, in the real world, plans don’t always unfold as expected. That’s where adaptability steps in. Life throws curveballs – surprise tests, sudden plans, 或者是技术故障——灵活让ladbrokes立博中文版在不失去冷静的情况下进行调整. If you have the prioritization, schedules, and adaptability, 那么你就有能力驾驭ladbrokes立博中文版这个不可预测的时代. Time management isn’t just about following rules; it’s about finding a balance between planning and adapting to lead a more organized and rewarding life. 


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